The Complete Mini-Guide to Growing Windowsill Lemon Trees: A Reference Manual for Northern-Zone Gardeners is for sale in ebook and paperback formats on Amazon!

For less than the cost of a pack of seeds or a fancy cup of coffee, you can now snag a copy of this quick how-to manual as a reference guide in your windowsill citrus adventures. Not sure what you’re looking at? Excerpts from the book are contained in this blog – the book is just a bit more detailed, organized, and ever-so-slightly less sarcastic. For more info, I have copied the promo blurb from Amazon below:


Grow Lemon Trees Indoors – Even in the Far North!

Have you ever wondered if you can grow a lemon tree from seed? If it’s possible to keep a lemon tree healthy when growing it in a container garden on your windowsill or patio? Whether a potted lemon tree will ever produce fruit? What temperature ranges a windowsill lemon tree can tolerate?

Wonder no more!
The Complete Mini-Guide to Growing Windowsill Lemon Trees: A Reference Manual for Northern-Zone Gardeners is a compact and practical quick-start guide that provides gardeners with detailed information and guidance on how to plant, tend, propagate and harvest container-grown lemons on your own windowsill. The slim, easy-read manual is formatted just larger than pocket-size for convenience.

Beginner’s Growing Guide for Potted Lemon Trees

The manual is a concise, fast read that answers new windowsill fruit gardeners’ questions on a wide range of topics, including:

  • Introduction to Lemon Trees
  • Purchasing a Dwarf Lemon
  • Growing Lemon Trees From Seed
  • Starting Lemon Trees From Cuttings
  • Establishing the Ideal Windowsill Growing Environment
  • Correct Soil & Fertilizer
  • Pot Size, Watering and Drainage
  • Temperature, Humidity and Lighting
  • Pruning Windowsill Lemon Trees
  • Pollination of Indoor Lemon Trees
  • Thinning, Fruit Support, and Ripening
  • Troubleshooting Insect Damage
  • Nutritional Deficiencies & Toxicities
  • and more!

Written as a conversational DIY guide providing practical advice for the beginning windowsill gardener just starting to explore growing citrus trees or other subtropical fruit indoors, The Complete Guide to Growing Windowsill Lemon Trees is an invaluable reference manual in a compact, easy-read format.

The Complete Mini-Guide to Growing Windowsill Lemons. Any concerns with the book content, or ideas for additional blog posts or chapters? Reach out and let me know!

Interested in learning about how to grow lemon trees indoors but not ready to make a purchase? Read excerpts from the book I’ve posted on this site – establishing the correct temperature and humidity for indoor lemon trees, a summary of the biggest challenges when growing lemons in pots or indoors, and tips on choosing a dwarf lemon tree suited for growing on a windowsill.

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