Growing fruit trees in pots is tough… and growing potted subtropical fruit trees indoors is even tougher. The entire indoor growing environment is alien
Tag: fruit gardening
If you’re like me, every spring you spend lot of time researching (read: agonizing) over nursery catalogs, trying to decide which plants to get.
In addition to being a fabulously interesting and rewarding plant to grow, the banana tree has built-in attractions for the windowsill gardener because it
Successfully growing peaches is a status symbol for gardeners in cold northern zones. This is the fruit tree that is a southern-grown staple, but
For most windowsill gardeners, half the fun of growing unusual fruits is the challenge associated with keeping a warm-climate plant healthy and thriving in
For northern gardeners, the relentless winter winds, deep snow, and insidious ice of northern winters are a constant threat to successfully growing fruit trees.
There is hot debate in the windowsill gardening community about whether or not it is worth it to try to start pineapple plants from
Once I planted my first windowsill banana tree, I was hooked. Sure, bananas are low on my favorite flavors list, as far as
The Complete Mini-Guide to Growing Windowsill Lemon Trees: A Reference Manual for Northern-Zone Gardeners is for sale in ebook and paperback formats on
Fruit gardening is a challenge even under the best of conditions. You can’t predict rain, you can’t always protect from insect invasions; you fight
For those of us gardening in cold northern climates where subzero temperatures can wreak havoc on orchards and gardens, knowing the hardiness zone is
So back in the day when I was very new to fruit gardening, I believed a nursery catalog that solemnly told me I lived